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How to run a full node (Nitro)


There is no protocol-level incentive to run an Arbitum full node. If you’re interested in accessing an Arbitrum chain but don’t want to set up your own node, see our Node Providers to get RPC access to fully managed nodes hosted by a third-party provider.

Minimum hardware configuration

Minimum hardware configuration required to set up a Nitro full node (not archival):

  • RAM: 16 GB
  • CPU: 4 core CPU
    • Single core performance is important. If the node is falling behind and a single core is 100% busy, it is recommended to update to a faster processor
  • Storage (last updated on April 2024):
    • Arbitrum One: 560GB for a pruned node, growing at ~200GB per month (NVMe SSD drives are recommended)
    • Arbitrum Nova: 400GB for a pruned node, growing at ~1.6TB per month (NVMe SSD drives are recommended)

These minimum requirements for RAM and CPU are recommended for nodes that process a small amount of RPC requests. For nodes that require processing multiple simultaneous requests, both RAM and number of CPU cores will need to be scaled with the amount of traffic being served.


The minimum storage requirements will change over time as the Nitro chain grows. Using more than the minimum requirements to run a robust full node is recommended.


Only use released versions

Even though there are alpha and beta versions of the Arbitrum Nitro software, only release versions should be used when running your node. Running alpha or beta versions is not supported and might lead to unexpected behaviors.

  • Latest Docker Image: offchainlabs/nitro-node:v3.2.1-d81324d
  • Database snapshot (required for Arbitrum One, optional for other chains)
    • Use the parameter --init.latest <snapshot type>, accepted values: "archive" | "pruned" | "genesis".
    • When running more than one node, it's easier to manually download the different parts of the snapshot, join them into a single archive, and host it locally for your nodes. You can then use --init.url="file:///path/to/snapshot/in/container/snapshot-file.tar" to use it. (For how to manually download the snapshot parts, please see Downloading the snapshot manually)
    • This parameter is required when initializing an Arbitrum One node because the chain has classic blocks. For the other chains, this parameter is optional.
    • This parameter is ignored if the database already exists.
    • Find more info in Nitro database snapshots
    • You can find more snapshots on our snapshot explorer

Required parameters

  • L1 RPC URL
    • Use the parameter --parent-chain.connection.url=<Layer 1 Ethereum RPC URL> for execution layer.
    • If the chain is running ArbOS 20, additionally use the parameter --parent-chain.blob-client.beacon-url=<Layer 1 Ethereum Beacon RPC URL> for consensus layer. You can find a list of beacon chain RPC providers here.
      • It must provide a standard layer 1 node RPC endpoint that you run yourself or from a node provider.
      • Note: historical blob data is required for chains running ArbOS 20 to properly sync up if they are new or have been offline for more than 18 days. This means the consensus layer RPC endpoint you use may also need to provide historical blob data. Please see Special notes on ArbOS 20: Atlas support for EIP-4844 for more details.
    • Note: this parameter was called --l1.url in versions prior to v2.1.0
    • Note: 8545 is usually the default port for the execution layer. For the Beacon endpoint port, you should connect to the correct port set on your parent chain's consensus client.
  • L2 chain ID or name
    • Use the parameter<L2 chain ID> to set the L2 chain from its chain id. See RPC endpoints and providers for a list of Arbitrum chains and their respective L2 chain IDs.
    • Alternatively, you can use the parameter<L2 chain name> to set the L2 chain from its name (options are: arb1, nova and sepolia-rollup)
    • Note: this parameter was called --l2.chain-id and only accepted chain IDs in versions before v2.1.0

Important ports

  • RPC: 8547
  • Sequencer Feed: 9642
  • WebSocket: 8548
    • WS port 8548 needs extra args to be opened. Please use these flags:
      • --ws.port=8548
      • --ws.addr=

Putting it all together

  • When running the Docker image, an external volume should be mounted to persist the database across restarts. The mount point inside the docker image should be /home/user/.arbitrum

  • Here is an example of how to run nitro-node:

    • Note that it is important that /some/local/dir/arbitrum already exists; otherwise, the directory might be created with root as owner, and the docker container won't be able to write to it
    docker run --rm -it  -v /some/local/dir/arbitrum:/home/user/.arbitrum -p -p offchainlabs/nitro-node:v3.2.1-d81324d --parent-chain.connection.url https://l1-node:8545<L2ChainId> --http.api=net,web3,eth --http.corsdomain=* --http.addr= --http.vhosts=*
    • Note that if you are running an L1 node on localhost, you may need to add --network host right after docker run to use docker host-based networking

    • When shutting down the Docker image, it is important to allow a graceful shutdown to save the current state to disk. Here is an example of how to do a graceful shutdown of all docker images currently running

    docker stop --time=300 $(docker ps -aq)

Note on permissions

  • The Docker image is configured to run as non-root UID 1000. This means if you are running in Linux or OSX and you are getting permission errors when trying to run the docker image, run this command to allow all users to update the persistent folders
    mkdir /data/arbitrum
    chmod -fR 777 /data/arbitrum

Watchtower mode

  • By default, the full node will run in Watchtower mode. This means that the node watches the on-chain assertions, and if it disagrees with them, it will log an error containing the string found incorrect assertion in watchtower mode.
  • Watchtower mode adds a small amount of execution and memory overhead. You can deactivate this mode using the parameter --node.staker.enable=false.


  • Pruning a full node refers to removing older, unnecessary data from the local copy of the blockchain that the node maintains to save disk space and slightly improve the node's efficiency. Pruning will remove all states from blocks older than the latest 128.
  • You can activate pruning by using the parameter --init.prune and using "full" or "validator" as the value (depending on the type of node you are running). Remember that this process will happen upon starting the node and will not serve RPC requests while pruning.

Optional parameters

Below, we listed the most commonly used parameters when running a node. You can also use the flag --help for a comprehensive list of the available parameters.

--execution.rpc.classic-redirect=<RPC>Redirects archive requests for pre-nitro blocks to this RPC of an Arbitrum Classic node with archive database. Only for Arbitrum One.
--http.apiOffered APIs over the HTTP-RPC interface. Default: net,web3,eth,arb. Add debug for tracing.
--http.corsdomainAccepts cross origin requests from these comma-separated domains (browser enforced).
--http.vhostsAccepts requests from these comma-separated virtual hostnames (server enforced). Default: localhost. Accepts *.
--http.addrAddress to bind RPC to. May require for Docker networking.
--execution.caching.archiveRetains past block state. For archive nodes.
--node.feed.input.url=<feed address>Default: wss://<chainName> ⚠️ One feed relay per datacenter is advised. See feed relay guide.
--execution.forwarding-target=<RPC>Defaults to the L2 Sequencer RPC based on provided L1 and L2 chain IDs.
--execution.rpc.evm-timeoutDefault: 5s. Timeout for eth_call. (0 == no timeout).
--execution.rpc.gas-capDefault: 50000000. Gas cap for eth_call/estimateGas. (0 = no cap).
--execution.rpc.tx-fee-capDefault: 1. Transaction fee cap (in ether) for RPC APIs. (0 = no cap).
--ipc.pathFilename for IPC socket/pipe within datadir. 🔉 Not supported on macOS. Note the path is within the Docker container.
--init.prunePrunes database before starting the node. Can be "full" or "validator".
--init.url="<snapshot file>"(Non-Orbit Nitro nodes only) URL to download the genesis database from. Required only for the first startup of an Arbitrum One node. Reference to snapshots and archive node guide."/path/to/dir"(Non-Orbit Nitro nodes only) Temporarily saves the downloaded database snapshot. Defaults to /tmp/. Used with --init.url. Default: false. Used to enable or disable the posting of transaction data using Blobs to L1 Ethereum. If using calldata is more expensive and if the parent chain supports EIP4844 blobs, the batch poster will use blobs when this flag is set to true. Can be true or false.
--node.batch-poster.ignore-blob-priceBoolean. Default: false. If the parent chain supports EIP4844 blobs and ignore-blob-price is set to true, the batch poster will use EIP4844 blobs even if using calldata is cheaper. Can be true or false.
--init.lateststring. if set, searches for the latest snapshot of the given kind (accepted values: "archive" , "pruned" , "genesis")
--init.latest-basestring. Default: "". Base url used when searching for the latest. (If you are running orbit chains you might need to check with orbit chain team to get the url)
--init.then-quitAllows any --init.* parameters to complete, and then the node will automatically quit. It doesn't initiate pruning by itself but works in conjunction with other --init.* parameters, making it easier to script tasks like database backups after initialization processes finish.